Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012

Spring Walk

     This last Friday, my mother loaned me her Nikon D300s and three of her children. We walked down the road to a paved nature path in our neighborhood and then proceeded to have many "adventures" (while I snapped over 700 pictures). Many of my pictures didn't turn out due to awkward lighting and my inability to work Mom's camera, but here's a few of the day's catches!

I told them all to strike a silly pose. Chloe's face is priceless.

They take after me so well.

And this one might be my favorite. I love our curly hair.

Did you see the moon Saturday night? It was the closest it has ever been to the earth.
Telescope tonight?

Thursday, May 3, 2012

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 | Boasting in Weaknesses

"But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore i will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong."

This is groundbreaking for our culture today. Boast in weakness? Never! And yet, we as Christians are called to let Christ be our rock. Lean not on our own understanding, yeah? Yeah.

You ready for some Alexis-weaknesses? Because I'm prepared to boast in them since Christ's power will rest on me.

1) I have a hard time managing my time wisely (don't we all?), but it's been a real hinderance to my daily life. Chores catch up to me, school work is done last minute, I rush everything else. It all tumbles into one big mess. But through Christ's amazing grace, He's showing me this is an issue in my life and it all starts with the recognition of sin. Anyone want to keep me accountable in this?

2) A friend brought to my attention the other day that I was "tolerant". Now, there's a fine line between tolerating the right things (like noisy babies and spilled milk) and being too tolerant (like letting my friends continue in their sin). This hit me hard. I love people and I want people to see Christ through me, but how is that possible when I am too easy-going? I have to keep my friends accountable if I truly love them (which I do).

3) Three time's a charm, so we'll make this the last point. I struggle with my appearance. Now, I know most girls do, but sometimes it truly consumes me. I find that when my image consumes me, the tiniest flaw is enlarged in my vision. No one wants to live like that. God has showed me that life is not about who's the prettiest or the most fit (I don't struggle with being the thinnest. To me, that's just not attractive). I've learned that if I'm focusing too much on my appearance (beyond the basics like washing my face, getting dressed, putting on a little makeup), I just need to get out of the house and do something. I've been gardening, taking runs, and reading my Bible more often. Staying active, not having time to dilly-dally with thoughts about appearance, has really helped.

With that being said, I boast that I am weak! For in my weaknesses, Christ's strength can be known.

While we stargaze, will we give God our non-stop praise?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May Day Fever

Dive. Reach. Float. Soar. Your hair surrounds you. All is serene. All is calm. All is at peace. Then closure. Everything shrinks. Your heartbeat fills your ears. It's the only sound. Pressure ensues. Panic. Crushed. Race. Break through. Breathe. Cleansing relief.

That first breath, the one after a deep dive, is spring to me. Sweet, sweet spring. I see it, I smell it, I hear, it, I taste it. I relish in my Wednesday morning runs because of spring. I wake up at 5:30am to enjoy more spring. I do my classes outside, I work our garden, I even play with the dog just because of spring.

April showers bring May flowers.
Cheers to Spring!

Spring is perfect stargazing weather.
Meet you tonight.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Future Plans: College

College. This topic has come up so much since I've entered high school, you'd think my life depended on it. In fact, the first time someone asked me about my plans for college, I was only twelve. The last few months I have been dwelling on those "future plans" I'm supposed to have. Therefore, sit back, relax, and enjoy the rambling thoughts of a fifteen-year-old girl.

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" We've all been asked this question. Since I was a child still struggling with sharing and caring, I have been bombarded with questions concerning my future. Honestly, I've never had that career goal. Sure, I've wanted to be a vet, a police officer, and even a tour-guide in the Amazon (I was am a dreamer), but I've never had my heart set on any one job. For me, that's where the problem begins. I don't want to go into college without a plan, nor do I want college to be a place to "find myself." And how many young women go to college just to find a husband? If I'm going to spend $35,000+ of my own hard-earned money (loans are not an option), then I want it to be a huge benefit to my life. 

My daily prayer has been, "God, I'm so excited for my future and I'm so excited for what you have planned. I don't know what I want to do with my future, so I'm giving it to You. I would ask that you reveal to me, in Your perfect timing, what it is that you want me to do. I just give it all to you." Of course there are days when I'm feeling anxiety and stress because my lack of plans, but then I just have to remember that God seriously has it all planned out. There's a peace that passes all understanding when I reflect on Him. 

I wouldn't say that I'm completely without plans. I do have a bucket-list. (Does a bucket-list count as future life plans?) My bucket list isn't in order of operations, though. They are in order of importance. First and foremost, I must adopt. Preferably, I'd like to adopt as many children as possible (I'm think ten). Following adoption, I have long-term mission tripping (how my grammar teacher would cringe). Then I must live on a farm, paint my kitchen yellow, and name my two horses Pyro and Eden.

Let's stargaze.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Beautiful World of Antique

     I wish the English language had more than one word for "love". We have attached so many meanings to one four-letter word. Love is reserved for God and people. How, then, am I able to describe my feelings for antiques? I don't just like them. I absolutely... What? Admire them? Enjoy them? Couldn't live without them? Okay, I can exaggerate very well, we have now established that fact. Let's make a list; the top reasons for why I really (really) like antiques.

Numero Uno. The imagination possibilities. I mean, come on! Who couldn't resist imagining that old ring  to belong to a young duchess? Or a last family heirloom? Or a bride's lost ring? This temptation is like chocolate to women. A must.

Two. Our culture craves for the latest and newest. And shiniest. And sparkliest. And most expensive. And... You get the point. They have no admiration of the aged and worn. I find myself pulling away from the "trendy" and falling for the "found-in-my-great-grandmother's-attic". I don't have any justification for this fact. I just like going against the flow.

Tre. You don't know what it's like to sit down with your worn dip-pen and your antiqued parchment paper to write a letter. If I owned the Pride and Prejudice soundtrack, my ten minute time-travel would be complete.

Fourthly. Pictures of antiques look cool. End of story. Proof:

I went antiquing with my aunt last summer and took a bucket-load of pictures. Sadly, they are not on this computer. Maybe later? A part two? Perhaps...

Bucket list for summer: 
Go antiquing. 
And thrifting. 
And buy a polaroid camera. 
I'd like that.

I remain,
 Yours truly,

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The One About Sketching

     Over the course of the last two and a half years, I have discovered a real passion for art. If you've known me long enough, then you would know that two and a half years ago was actually when my parents took me out of government school (what a blessing that was!). And if you've known me even longer than that, you know I've always loved to draw and create. It wasn't until I entered Art Studio 1 with Veritas Press Scholars Academy that I was finally able to draw to my full capabilities. Homeschooling has allowed me to be so much more. I am able to freely think and create without all the oppressive restraints. Not only that, I have  a fabulous instructor, Mr. Spirduso. If any of you are taking his classes, you already know what makes him "fabulous." Anyways, this is just a glimpse into what I've been working on.

Yep. That's my thumbnail. 
Medium: Graphite. (Sounds much fancier than "Pencil")

That's my thumb again. Different lighting, different position, different medium. More of a challenge.
Medium: Graphite, colored pencil

Medium: Graphite and Ink

Albrecht Durer. My most favorite German artist.
Medium: Graphite

I have many more sketches and painting that I have stored up, but I'd rather not crash your computer. And besides, I need to keep some to myself for those days (weeks) when I don't work on anything but really need something to show.

Star Gaze and Non-Stop Praise!
